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Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies

Herbs For Pets 3 mins read

Warm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...

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Vet Tech Rounds: How Cold is too Cold for Dogs?

Vet Tech Rounds: How Cold is too Cold for Dogs?

Vet Talks 3 min read

Clients often ask “How cold is too cold for dogs to be outside?” There is no simple answer to this. Every dog is different. Therefore it is essential to consider the following factors before you plan your dog’s winter adventures. In this issue of Vet Tech Rounds, I will share the different factors that can influence...

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Gramps cat form @saving.seniors with tumor Natural selfie donations

NHV Gives Back: Gramps – a senior kitty fighting cancer

NHV Gives Back 2 min read

Thankfully, through the #NHVNaturalselfie donation drive, our amazing Social Media community helped us give back a 100-day supply of some supplements to Gramps – Milk Thistle for his liver, ES-Clear to help his body cope with cancer & Natures Immuno to help keep tumor growth at check. Gramps is senior kitty fighting cancer who received NHV supplements as donations. He lives with other senior rescues saved from euthanasia by...

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Kiwi’s Story – Helping a cat with Pancreatitis using natural supplements

Kiwi’s Story – Helping a cat with Pancreatitis using natural supplements

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Pancreatitis is a condition that occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. Pancreatitis in cats has no age, sex, or breed predisposition and appears to occur spontaneously, without any identified trigger or inciting cause. In this happy tale, pet parent Louise shares the story of Kiwi’s recovery from pancreatitis and kidney disease. Kiwi was diagnosed with...

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Penny the Cat – Improving Quality of Life for Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Penny the Cat – Improving Quality of Life for Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Hyperthyroidism in cats is caused by excess production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4.) Cats that have hyperthyroidism are more common in older pets (generally over ten years of age). In this happy tale, Melissa shares the story of Penny, her cat that started taking NHV Resthyro to improve his quality of life. Penny is...

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5 Lifehacks To Do With Your Pet: It Will Transform Your Life (and Theirs)

5 Lifehacks To Do With Your Pet: It Will Transform Your Life (and Theirs)

Promotions & Giveaways 5 min read

It’s been an amazing year, but it’s been tough—really tough. We’re grateful for how things have been with NHV. We’ve been able to help so many pets (mostly thanks to you all for spreading the word). We’ve done some good with the #nhvnaturalselfie and calendar donations and completed a clinical trial. But, personally… with all...

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coffee boss cat

NHV Gives Back: cats fighting outbreak of flu in the Philippines

NHV Gives Back < 1 min read

NHV Gives Back through #NHVNaturalselfie donation drive went all the way to the Philippines. @coffeethebosscat Rescues are a home-run shelter in the Philippines. We made one exception and went outside North America. These cats were previously saved by our remedies when they had intermittent diarrhea- which medicines couldn’t fix. Months later, there was a flu outbreak and 5...

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What Helped Stray Liotta the Cat Fight a Bacterial Infection Gone Out of Hand

What Helped Stray Liotta the Cat Fight a Bacterial Infection Gone Out of Hand

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 3 min read

Stray Liotta, the famous kitty from Twitter, has been using NHV products to help him cope with FIV. When he was first found, this poor little guy had infections on his cheeks that showed his raw skin, with missing patches of fur. After using the ointment, Stray’s cheeks are all patched up and fuzzy, as...

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Sonnie the cat was itching, licking and pulling fur off his belly

Sonnie the cat was itching, licking and pulling fur off his belly

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Most cats love to groom themselves, but what happens when the behavior becomes a cause for concern? Excessive licking and itching can cause red, irritated hotspots and can make your pet very uncomfortable. Sometimes this can cause bald spots and patches of inflamed skin. This is Sonnie – he was licking, chewing, and pulling fur...

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NHV Gives Back: Finn a FIV positive kitty is feeling healthy again

NHV Gives Back: Finn a FIV positive kitty is feeling healthy again

NHV Gives Back 3 min read

Through the #NHVNaturalselfie donation drive we were able to give back to Finn, an FIV positive kitty that came to his rescuer with calicivirus and a lot of health problems. He also had URI and he was extremely emaciated and missing many teeth. He’s lived an extremely hard life and the shelter actually thought he was an old kitty because of how terrible his...

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Three Simple Lessons You Learn from Caring for a Cat with Cancer

Three Simple Lessons You Learn from Caring for a Cat with Cancer

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

It is heartbreaking when your pet is diagnosed with cancer. As a pet parent, we don’t want our furry family members to feel sick during their last days. In this article, we will share three simple lessons that we can learn from caring for a cat with cancer through Teagan’s story. This is Teagan, who...

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