Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies
Herbs For Pets 3 mins readWarm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...
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Street rescue Billy has Felimm for his FIV
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readFrom rough roads to riches, beautiful Billy is living the best life! Billy had a rough past before he found his new loving home. He was found outside wounded and after a visit to the vet, his rescuers found out that he has FIV. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) affects a cat’s immune system and makes it severely weakened...
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Helping Maine Coons with hairballs naturally
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readMaine Coons are quite the load of lovin! They are one of the largest domestic breeds of cats (basically the giants of the cat world). Although having these fuzzballs in the home can be fun, they do require a bit more pampering than other kitties due to their luscious long fur. Maine Coons have a...
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Ms. Oreo’s Big Move – Stress free air travel for the cat
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readThis is one of Erika’s kitties – Named Ms. Oreo, a sweet little 3-year-old Tuxedo. She moved from Sweden to Colombia and used Matricalm a few weeks before the journey and during the journey to make the move easy. We wanted to help make the transition as stress-free as possible. Cats may experience a lot of fear...
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Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Treats For Dogs And Cats
Easy Recipes For Pets 3 min readIt’s Fall and everything is pumpkin-y and orange-y. We begin to decorate our houses, we start looking for coordinated costumes for ourselves and our little furry munchkins. There’s an extra spring in their step too, as they start to enjoy the crisp fall air and all the warmth of family this season brings! While everything for us is fall-ready,...
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Kidney disease wont stop Handsome Huey
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readWhen our little ones are sick, it can be a little scary because they can’t just tell us what’s wrong, even though we really wish they could! Thanks to Lana for sharing Huey’s story of his journey through battling kidney disease. Huey has overcome so much and has a lot more energy to run and play and be...
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Cat Community of Instagram comes together for Sylvester, the Senior Kitty
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min readSylvester is a senior kitty from Austria. He had liver disease almost suggesting jaundice, and was losing weight drastically between his condition, and the discomfort his teeth were causing him. He had some scary trips to the ER. His mom’s friend, Erika, knew he needed natural support. He was in need of a few different...
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Keeping Ginger the Beagle’s, Heart Murmur at Bay
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readGinger is a senior Beagle from Kentucky. She lives with her mom, Hollie, and a pack of other beagle brofurs and sisfurs. She was adopted as a rescue and has struggled with several different health conditions over the course of her 16 years. Despite all of this, Ginger still manages to keep a positive temperament and...
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Mega-Esophagus in Dogs: Bandit’s Ranch Retirement
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readIt started with NHV’s giving back campaign #NHVNaturalSelfie In July we ran a campaign to collect 15,000 pet selfies across social media platforms. Each selfie was to be tagged with #nhvnaturalselfie. If we reached our goal, we would donate $5000 of NHV supplements to pets in need. We did it! We reached our goal! We...
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All Clear Ointment Makes Daisy the Dog, Show Ready!
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readMeet Daisy the Show Dog A beautiful white bull terrier pup, Daisy is not only a very well-loved family dog, but she is also a show dog, so she has to look her very best! Like most bull terriers, Daisy is quite the character. She loves to nuzzle and snuggle and sleep pretty much on her...
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A day in the life of Steadman – a naturally healthy pet. What’s different?
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 6 min readDo zoomies ✔️Get treats ✔️Be cute ✔️Bounce like a 🐰 Bunny ✔️Make Mom laugh ✔️ For an almost 14-year-old Beagle, Steadman leads a busy life. He steals naps between playing fetch up & down the stairs, attends regular chemo appointments, arooos at the neighborhood noises from his backyard, and waits patiently for his parents to...
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