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The Best Springtime Fruits and Veggies for Pets

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 mins read

As spring warms us up, many of us are looking forward to gardening and farmers’ markets because of the bright, fresh, and healthy fruits and veggies available. But did you know that our pets can enjoy some of nature’s spring bounty as well? In moderation, fresh produce can make an excellent addition to our pets’...

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NHV supplements are helping Alice the bunny with cancer

NHV supplements are helping Alice the bunny with cancer

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

NHV supplements are helping Alice the bunny with cancerWatch this video on YouTube When Sue reached out to us with a picture of her bunny Alice we immediately fell in love with the poor bunny with a massive lump around her neck. It was almost as big as her head. A lump that size on a...

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Gus the Goldie won’t let bone cancer slow him down

Gus the Goldie won’t let bone cancer slow him down

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Bone cancer in large dogs can get aggressive and often lead to a drastic drop in quality of life. Your dog wants to play, go for walkies and have fun outdoors. You feel helpless to see him slow down and not being able to do the stuff he enjoys so much. But Gus the Goldie’s mom...

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Why Spook the cat takes his NHV Mellit before his meals

Why Spook the cat takes his NHV Mellit before his meals

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Spook, a lovable cat from Belgium was diagnosed with early signs of kidney disease and diabetes. He was prescribed insulin right away. It took a few weeks for him to adjust to the insulin doses. His cat mom was really concerned about his kidneys and was also looking for natural support for his health condition....

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Remembering Elliemay, a newfie dog who fought lymphoma like a champion

Remembering Elliemay, a newfie dog who fought lymphoma like a champion

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Elliemay is probably one of the first few dogs whose parents shopped from us. Before that, for decades, our herbal formulas did exist but NHV Natural Pet Products wasn’t offering them commercially. Recently we received an email from EllieMay’s parents and it brought along special memories. It’s been a few years since this beautiful dog passed. It’s...

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Kitten with FeLV finds help with NHV FeLV Fighter Pack

Kitten with FeLV finds help with NHV FeLV Fighter Pack

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

We received an update from Marie in Singapore about her kitten fighting FeLV. Mia was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia at 2.5 months of age. Two months of NHV Feline Leukemia (FeLV) Fighter Pack and lots of love and caring helped Mia test negative for FeLV. Here’s what we received as an update: We are so happy to know Marie...

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Vet Tech Rounds: Paw Pad Injuries in Dogs

Vet Tech Rounds: Paw Pad Injuries in Dogs

Vet Talks 3 min read

Paw Pad Injuries Most dogs love to run and play outside. Many would fetch the ball for you for hours on end if given the chance. Often, they’re having so much fun, they don’t realize they could be damaging their paws. One common injury we have seen at vet clinics is paw pad injuries due...

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Rescue dog Riley’s fighting histiocytic sarcoma with chemo and NHV

Rescue dog Riley’s fighting histiocytic sarcoma with chemo and NHV

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Update May 15, 2018: Sadly, little Riley gained her wings on May 14, 2018. Throughout our lives, we are constantly saying hellos and goodbyes. But on the flip side, we are forever touched and changed by the amazing creatures that impact our lives. This beautiful girl will be forever missed by her family.  Riley is a puppy...

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Sixx the cat was having asthma attacks about 10 times a day

Sixx the cat was having asthma attacks about 10 times a day

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Feline Asthma is a chronic progressive disease that is fairly common in adult cats. Brachycephalic cat breeds like Persian cats, British short hairs, and Burmese cats are more vulnerable to this allergic respiratory disease. Wheezing, labored breathing, and coughing are common signs of asthma in cats. Though there is no cure for asthma, a traditional vet will prescribe steroids...

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Vet Talks: Rodent Ulcers in Cats

Vet Talks: Rodent Ulcers in Cats

Vet Talks 2 min read

Rodent Ulcers “Rodent Ulcers”, otherwise known as indolent ulcers or stomatitis, are eosinophilic granulomas or a solid grouping of inflammatory cells coming together in a lump or solid structure. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that is commonly associated and elevated with allergies. They are part of the immune system defending against parasites....

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6 Reasons Why Feeding Your Pet Whole Foods is Beneficial

Pet Diet & Nutrition 5 min read

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. We all want our pets to be happy and healthy and live long fulfilling lives, so paying close attention to a pet’s food diet is essential to their health. There is no doubt that commercial pet foods are practical and cost-effective, and most of them are...

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