The Best Springtime Fruits and Veggies for Pets
Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 mins readAs spring warms us up, many of us are looking forward to gardening and farmers’ markets because of the bright, fresh, and healthy fruits and veggies available. But did you know that our pets can enjoy some of nature’s spring bounty as well? In moderation, fresh produce can make an excellent addition to our pets’...
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3 pet parents share their most memorable spring adventures
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min readSquirrels waiting to be chased up a treeBirds with new songs to singButterflies need a nose to land onShrubs are ready to play hide and seek Spring is here. It’s the time to let new adventures begin. Rain, snow, or shine, our pets always tag along with us for all kinds of adventures. As the days get...
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Recipe: Healing Bone Broth for Pets By DVM Dr. Amanda
Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min readIn this video blog, Dr. Amanda will guide you through making bone broth for your pets. Bone broth is both nutritious and delicious and can help pets with decreased appetite get the nutrients they desperately need. It is also a great way to add in your NHV supplements. Bone broth is so easy to make...
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Marron the Toy Poodle’s Dog Park Anxiety and NHV Matricalm
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readLike us, dogs can suffer from anxiety and fears. This can affect all breeds of dogs and can lead to serious behavioral problems if left untreated. Dogs may become fearful or have a strong emotional reaction to loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or garbage trucks. Some dogs fear being alone, and some show aggression towards other dogs....
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When The Going Gets Tough, Constipation Can Lead To Megacolon
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readCats who are chronically constipated may develop megacolon, a serious condition in which the colon (large intestine) becomes so distended/bloated that the tissue loses its ability to move contents along. The fecal matter in the colon becomes hard and makes it difficult for the kitty to have a bowel movement. It is an uncomfortable condition that...
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What Should I Feed My Pet with Cancer?
Pet Diet & Nutrition 4 min readWhat Should I Feed My Pet with Cancer? My love for rescuing animals motivated me to study veterinary medicine. I have always had a house full of pets. All cats and dogs that I rescued were from the streets. In fact, for quite a long time, I was sharing my life with 4 dogs and...
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NHV lends a paw to bullies in need
Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min readIt is sad that bully breeds such as Pit bulls and Bulldogs have such a bad reputation. They suffer abuse and horrible treatment if they end up with a poor owner. Luckily there are incredible people out there to help these poor pups when they are beaten, starved, dumped, and on death row ð Julie is the...
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Captain Morgan says “Turmeric is the spice of life, Woof”
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readIf there are angels in this world, then in our opinion Danielle is one of them. She adopted Captain Morgan. Prior to his adoption, this beautiful boy had been shot. We don’t know if it was a hunting accident or abuse, but we are so happy Danielle was there to rescue him. He suffered many health issues which included...
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Vet Talks: Seizures in Dogs and Cats
Vet Talks 3 min readWhat Causes Seizures in Dogs and Cats? Seizures, or epilepsy, in dogs and cats, is a neurological disorder. It can occur for many different reasons. A seizure occurs when the cerebral cortex functions in an abnormal way. It can also be caused by extracranial reasons (due to reasons outside of the brain) or intracranial reasons (due to reasons...
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Heal-Care Helps GusGus’ Nose Match His Smooth Frenchie Personality
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readWe receive so many happy success stories here at NHV, but our NHV team is also a group of pet parents and we use our products too! We have all seen first-hand how NHV natural products can help, not just for major ailments like cancer or heart disease, but for small things too. Heal Care ointment...
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Reese the Min Pin Won’t Let His Heart Condition Slow Him Down
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readWe were so happy to hear about the success that pet parent Ronni has had with helping Reese, her Min Pin, with NHV supplements following his diagnosis last summer. Here’s how Hearty-Heart and Turmeric helped little Reese get back on his paws. NHV Turmeric contains curcumin, an ingredient with powerful antioxidant properties to support the...
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