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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Shorthair cat looking out the window of an airplane

How To Fly With Pets

Pet Care Tips 5 min read

Now that travel is starting to open up again, you may be planning or daydreaming about taking a trip. Whether you’re traveling by car or jet-setting to some far-off destination, it’s important to plan ahead to account for your pets. It takes preparation to find the right pet sitter or to make all of the...

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Moose and Multicentric Lymphoma in Dogs

Moose and Multicentric Lymphoma in Dogs

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

When Wessen, aka Moose, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, the vet said he only had 4 months left to live, even with chemo. More than 15 months later, against all odds, Moose thrives and lives his life to the fullest with his loving furparents and a playful kitty-sister. Talk about a second chance at life!...

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Cat sitting in front of a bowl of kibble looking reluctant to eat. What you should do if your cat is a picky eater.

What You Should Do If Your Pet Is A Picky Eater

Pet Diet & Nutrition 6 min read

If your pet takes more than 30 minutes to eat their meals, or if they refuse to eat their own food but will accept human table scraps and treats in no time, it could mean that you have a picky eater. Reasons Why A Pet May Be A Picky Eater While some pets are just...

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Lobelia inflata plant with small, light purple flowers beginning to bud. How to safely use the health benefits of lobelia for pets

Lobelia For Pets – A Natural Remedy For Respiratory Issues

Herbs For Pets 3 min read

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) is a herb that Native Americans have traditionally used as a remedy for various health conditions. Lobelia is known to have multiple medicinal properties and is used as a natural support for humans and pets. Before using lobelia for pets, there are some essential things that pet parents should know first. What...

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Tinker Belle and Periwinkle, two dogs laying outside in the grass

Tinker Belle & Periwinkle Find A Natural Solution For Ear Infections

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Ear infections are a common issue that affects so many dogs! Part of why they are so common is because of the shape of their ear canals and another is that dogs are so prone to getting into things! Going for a swim, rolling around in the dirt, sniffing through a field full of pollen,...

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Judy the yorkie banner

IBD and Gut Health – Sony and Graham’s Tail

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

It’s not the most pleasant topic, we know, but Inflammatory or Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) is a common gastrointestinal issue in dogs and cats. It can be uncomfortable for your furkiddo, and really stressful to manage if you’re not sure how to help your little one. Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out...

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Veterinarian holding a black and white shorthair cat and a white Maltese dog.

6 Ways to Support Your Pet with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Vet Talks 4 min read

Heart failure or congestive heart failure may develop when the heart begins to deteriorate and can no longer pump blood effectively in the body. It’s essential to understand both the causes of heart failure and its early signs and symptoms so you can seek veterinary care as soon as possible and support your little one...

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Black cat and a rusty-colored spaniel laying on a light green couch

Canine Leukemia And Feline Leukemia

Vet Talks 5 min read

Unfortunately, leukemia is not an exclusive condition for humans. It can also happen in dogs and cats and they must be treated as serious conditions as well. What some pet parents may not realize is that canine leukemia and feline leukemia are two separate conditions that have more differences beyond affecting different species. What Is...

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Recipe: Peanut Butter Dog Ice Cream

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Recipe: Peanut Butter Dog Ice Cream

Easy Recipes For Pets 1 min watch

For any pet pawrent looking for a dairy-free icy treat for your pooch, you will love this easy homemade dog ice cream recipe that will keep your pup hydrated and cool on those hot summer nights.

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Cat being examined by a veterinarian on an examination table.

How To Keep Your Pet Calm During A Vet Visit

Pet Care Tips 6 min read

Vet visits can be overwhelming for both dogs and cats. When they work in clinics, veterinarians see it all. To help you with your next vet visit, here are my tips on how you can keep your pet calm during a vet visit. Why Do Pets Get Stressed At The Vet? Kitties are naturally attached...

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