Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies
Herbs For Pets 3 mins readWarm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...
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Juliet the cat was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma at the age of 12
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min readJuliet’s mum Linda first got in contact with us when we reached out to pet parents for their gotcha day stories. Juliet’s was a sweet tale and one that had an even happier ending than we could have ever imagined! “The first day I met her, I wrapped a little scared and a little wild...
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Sweet Potato Mash for Pets Recipe
Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min readThis sweet potato mash for pets makes an easy and healthy treat for both cats and dogs. It works great for special occasions like Thanksgiving or when your furkiddo is feeling a little under the weather. This recipe is designed to be stored in the fridge for easy serving whenever you want to spoil your...
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How to Make Sure Your Pet Supplies are Safe
Pet Care Tips 5 min readWe all want to do what we can to make sure that our furkiddos are safe and healthy. With so many pet supplies available it is hard to know what products you can trust. With products like food and supplements, companies often provide information about the research or studies that they have done to formulate...
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Asthma in Dogs? Tulia the dog’s diagnosis was a rare one.
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readAsthma in dogs is not common. Asthma is an “allergic disease”. Just as in humans, dogs can suffer just the same but it is very rare. The allergic reaction will result in an airway inflammation causing constriction and spasm of the airways in the lungs. Cats are often more susceptible to asthma but in canines,...
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Vet Tech Rounds: Mold Allergies in Cats and Dogs
Vet Talks 4 min readDogs and cats can suffer from allergies to many different substances, whether food-related or environmental. One common cause of allergies in pets is mold. To some degree, mold is present everywhere. Where does Mold hide? Molds are multicellular organisms that thrive in damp environments. Indoors it is most often found in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. Outdoors...
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Tripsy, Turmeric and Timmy – Getting a senior cat his spark back
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readAs a pet parent, seeing your precious furry member of the family growing old is always difficult. We get to enjoy seeing them grow up, playing, and having fun. but then suddenly one day you realize they’re not like they used to be, and old age is slowly but surely creeping on. For mum Lana, this...
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DIY Pet Costume for Halloween: The Hamburglar
Pet Care Tips 6 min readNot sure what to dress your furkiddo up as for Halloween? is here to help! We have created an easy DIY Pet Costume so you can arrive at the #NHVhalloweendancepawty in style! Your beloved little food thief can dress up as the Hamburglar by following these simple steps. This costume can be made from scratch...
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Kidney failure in cats: One Kitty’s dramatic tail
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min readKidney failure in cats is very serious and can be caused by a variety of things. Once Kidney Failure sets in, there are not many cases in which a full recovery is possible. We received this amazing review from one of our pet parents Adrian, about his Kitty’s dramatic U-Turn after being diagnosed with acute...
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Pets All Over the World are Finding Help. But What is the NHV Difference?
NHV Behind The Scenes 5 min readOne day a frantic cat mom got in touch with us. It was the usual for us as we often get calls, emails, and direct messages from pet parents trying to do all they can to help their sick pets. But this message stood out as the situation was indeed quite complicated. Her young cat named...
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Lymphoma Wars: Kobi-Wan Kenobi Strikes Back
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readNot so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away… Kobi-Wan Kenobi has returned home to his Momma Candace in an attempt to fight his recent diagnosis of Lymphoma. Momma Candace knew that the Lymphoma Empire had secretly infiltrated her beloved cat Kobi-Wan and she was going to rescue him from the clutches of...
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