Spring Shedding Season: Natural Support with NHV
Pet Care Tips 3 mins readWhat’s all this fluff coming off my pet? Oh! That’s right, it’s spring shedding season. When your fur kiddo senses a temperature change, pet parents often notice a huge increase in fur shed! Here’s how to manage the extra fluff – and some signs when shedding might be cause for concern. Why Do Dogs Shed...
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Senior dogs Ray Ray and Taddy give NHV a paws up
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readAs our pets grow old we notice changes in their behavior. They may not follow us around the house like they used to. They might eat less and sleep a lot more. We may notice slight limping that comes and goes. Maybe around walkies or playtime? Dogs and cats start showing signs of aging when...
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Vet Talks: Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs
Vet Talks 2 min readWe often work with dogs who have degenerative myelopathy, a disease that is difficult to treat and very sad to see. However, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, rehabilitative therapies, as well as herbal supplements, and diet can slow the progression of the disease. Degenerative myelopathy in dogs is a slowly progressive, non-inflammatory degeneration of the white matter...
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Jakey won’t let Cushing’s stop him from spreading cheer
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min readA dog mom from Australia recently shared with us an update about her sweet boy, Jakey, who was suffering from an enlarged liver and Cushing’s disease. January 2018 We wish Michelle and Jakey many healthy and happy years together. We will try to do what we can to make sure this little furbaby can continue...
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Buddy bounces back with NHV Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readWhen Rosalinde noticed her sweet boy, Buddy, wasn’t quite himself, she wanted to do everything she could to help him be happy and vibrant again. Buddy has feline leukemia (FeLV) which unfortunately has no cure, but well-supported kitties can live a long fulfilling life. Through Rosalinde’s research, she was lead to our Feline Leukemia Fighter...
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4 Pet Health Problems Your Proactivity Can Help Prevent
Pet Care Tips 5 min readWe’ve successfully humanized our pets, haven’t we? Just like us, they eat convenient meals (highly processed kibble), don’t get enough exercise, and potential pet health issues are not dealt with until they become real health problems. An increasing number of pets nowadays have “human” health problems too – liver failure, cancer, obesity, seizures, just to name a few. The...
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A naturally healthy FIV positive cat
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readA cat mom from Connecticut recently shared with us an update about her tabby. We wish Karolina and her little tabby guy many healthy and happy years together. NHV Felimm is a unique herbal blend that can help fight viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. These healing properties make it extremely useful for cats with infections like FIV, FIP,...
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NHV Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack helps rescue cat cope with FeLV
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readFeLV shouldn’t stop you from adopting a kitten. With natural support from NHV, you can make your little fighter healthy and comfortable. That’s exactly what this rescue mom has planned for her FeLV kitty, Stella. We’re keeping our paws crossed and doing what we can to help Stella live a healthy life like any other kitten. It’s...
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Patches my little miracle – a cat mom’s tale of rescue and love
Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min readWhen cat mom Julie brought a scared Patches home she knew the rescuing wasn’t yet over. Patches had been abandoned by her first family after possibly having kittens and not being cared for. The house she was then taken into was caught in heavy fire and Patches was one of the few lucky cats who made...
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“We want to only treat our pets with natural remedies that work… THIS WORKS”
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readCushing’s disease is a tough battle. What makes it tougher is the fact that it shows varying symptoms for each pet and those symptoms often overlap with various other health conditions making early diagnosis difficult. Korona was mainly facing urination abnormalities, dry skin, fur loss, and a dried-up nose, in addition to blood work suggesting an endocrine dysfunction. Korona’s...
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It’s one of the reasons Tinx is still with me
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min readUpdate: February 1, 2018: In November 2017, a cat mom from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK shared a video of her happy kitty with us. When she told us Tinkerbell was fighting lymphoma, we were so surprised. It was heartwarming to see this cat healthy and playing like a kitten while fighting lymphoma and a tumor in her...
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