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Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies

Herbs For Pets 3 mins read

Warm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...

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NHV's senior cat

Life With a Senior Cat – How Genghis’ Mom is Keeping Her Promise

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min read

Genghis, the senior cat, always showed his mom he’ll play by his own rules and look good doing it. He demanded to be loved, spoiled, and pampered and his mom was only too happy to oblige! Genghis gave her back his generous love and friendship that helped them go through life together. It’s been 16...

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Who Rescues Who: The Pet Gotcha Day Stories That Were Meant To Be

Who Rescues Who: The Pet Gotcha Day Stories That Were Meant To Be

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min read

There will be two days in our lives as pet parents that we will never forget. The day we bring our pet home and the day we kiss them goodbye. Everything in between will eventually become this soft mushy place in our hearts that is only for that pet. A little corner deep inside the heart filled with all the...

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Recipe: Meat & Carrot Frosty Treat for Cats and Dogs

Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min read

For the stubborn and picky eaters (mostly cats) who turn their nose up at most fruits and veggies, we have a meaty frosty treat recipe! This vet formulated recipe is a great way to keep your furkiddo cool in the summers and it is really easy to make. It is a healthy snack that can...

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The canine cancer warrior

Recipe: A Birthday Cake For Sophie The Canine Cancer Warrior

Easy Recipes For Pets 6 min read

Some people will never understand how much Elsie loves her dog. But that’s okay, her dog does. Sophie is a pampered pit bull but oh so brave and lovable too. Sophie’s mom started to learn about holistic ways to support dogs after one of her dear dogs Tinka lost her fight to cancer. A year later, Tinka’s sibling...

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Super scooty - Happiest dog

Supplements for Super Scooty, The Happiest Dog on Earth

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 2 min read

It’s hard to imagine that anyone could have hurt this happy, adorable dog. Scooty was hit by a car in Mexico. She dragged her back end around until she was rescued. The vets didn’t know if she would walk again, but Scooty had found her ride—a loving family in California. Her mom found out about...

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NHV pet banner

Vet Talks: How To Pick The Best Diet For Your New Pet?

Pet Diet & Nutrition 6 min read

Unlike popular opinion, the best diet for your new friend will not be one that’s popular with other dogs and cats around you, but it will be one that’s picked according to your pet’s age, health condition, breed, weight, etc. A puppy will need a diet with slightly high levels of protein, this will give...

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Dog eating banana and yogurt ice treat

Banana Yogurt Ice Treats For Cats and Dogs

Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min read

Help your furkiddo beat the heat this summer with this tasty banana yogurt ice treats recipe for cats and dogs! This vet formulated recipe is only 3 ingredients and is super easy to make. It is a healthy snack that will help keep them cool and can be used to help fussy eaters to get...

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Coming together for the pets in shelters with #NHVNaturalselfie

Coming together for the pets in shelters with #NHVNaturalselfie

NHV Gives Back 5 min read

Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much. 15121 selfies!!! Can you believe that!! Together with the boops, the upside downs and the photobomb, and the Not everyone can donate, foster, volunteer, or sponsor, but everyone can post a #NHVnaturalselfie and #NHVpets who posed with their favorite NHV supplements –...

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Fighting feline Lymphoma: Sylvester the super kitty

Fighting feline Lymphoma: Sylvester the super kitty

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Meet Sylvester, the super kitty who is fighting Lymphoma and defying the odds with a helping hand from NHV Natural supplements. It was January 2018 when Sylvester’s mum first got in contact with us. He had been diagnosed 4 months earlier with Feline Lymphoma in his intestines. After initially responding well to his treatment Sylvester started...

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Marvelous Mutts And The Best Ways To Support Them Naturally

Marvelous Mutts And The Best Ways To Support Them Naturally

Pet Care Tips 5 min read

Have you ever loved a dog to bits even though you haven’t got the faintest idea what breed it might be? They have unique floppy or pointy ears that you just can’t describe to anyone, intelligent eyes, a sweet temperament, and such a pretty and unique coat. Available in all sizes, shapes, and patterns! With a...

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