Spring Shedding Season: Natural Support with NHV
Pet Care Tips 3 mins readWhat’s all this fluff coming off my pet? Oh! That’s right, it’s spring shedding season. When your fur kiddo senses a temperature change, pet parents often notice a huge increase in fur shed! Here’s how to manage the extra fluff – and some signs when shedding might be cause for concern. Why Do Dogs Shed...
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3 New Year Resolutions your pets want you to make
Pet Care Tips 3 min readDid you know there is a day called Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day? It’s ‘celebrated’ on January 17 and is literally a day to let go of the crazy resolutions we make every new year and then fail miserably at. Well, that’s exactly what this article is about. Making resolutions you can keep, kickstarting a habit...
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Beagle With Liver Cancer Surprises Her Oncologist
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readFinding out your furry companion has cancer is one of the hardest things to hear as a pet parent! Puna the sweet little Beagle was diagnosed with liver cancer, after undergoing many treatments of Chemo the cancer was getting more aggressive, her pet parents were told she only had 3-6 months to live ☹ They...
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4 clever ways of pet proofing your Christmas
Pet Care Tips 4 min readIt’s that time of the year again. While you’re singing silent nights and jingle bells, here’s what your cat is singing. Yes, our little furry children are eager to wreck Christmas decorations, make cooking a menace and bring down the Christmas tree. How are you planning to save your Christmas and keep them happy too. Here are 4 clever...
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Is a holistic turnaround from Lymphoma possible for dogs?
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readUpdate: February 2, 2018. Our hearts are broken as we let you know that NHV lost a warrior today. Despite being given 3 to 6 weeks to live after his lymphoma diagnosis, Thumper was still happily wagging his tail 16 weeks later. With a little help from NHV and a LOT of love, Thumper was truly our little miracle. ...
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This little celeb cat would throw up after meals
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 3 min readIf you have a cat, you must have encountered throwing-up accidents. But Kitty Mojito, a popular cat from Instagram seemed to have some kind of an eating disorder. She would gobble up her food real quick and then throw up. Her mom took her to the vet, got elaborate blood work done but the vet...
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NHV’s #Mein4wordschallenge winner Watson & anxiety in cats
Promotions & Giveaways 3 min readA few months back we did a fun activity on Instagram. We wanted to know our cat and dog followers better and so started a fun challenge called the #mein4wordschallenge. Almost 500 cats and dogs from Instagram chimed in with posts and tried to describe themselves in 4 words. Our office kitties, Jonika and Zimba...
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NHV’s Halloween For Pets Was A Furry Special One
Promotions & Giveaways 4 min readWe had a lot of fun this Halloween celebrating with doggos and kitties from around the world. We had some join us for the #NHVHalloweenDancePawty on Instagram and then there were others who took part in our Halloween Giveaway on Facebook. Here are some glimpses from the furry special Halloween we spent. Let’s start with...
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Vet Talks: Cancer in Pets
Vet Talks 2 min readBeing integrative veterinary practitioners, we often see cancer in pets who need holistic care. Many receive western medications and chemotherapy and we add in diet, herbal therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture, and or spinal manipulation to enable our patients to be more comfortable, and stay in remission longer. Cancer, unfortunately is the leading cause of...
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Mackenzie the pitbull’s coping strong with Hemangiosarcoma
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readHemangiosarcoma is an aggressive form of cancer mostly found in dogs besides some other animals. We’ve had several pet parents come to us asking for holistic help with it. Lately, a pet mom came to us with answers. She had been using NHV Natures Immuno coupled with Chemo and other supplements. Her girl Mackenzie was...
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Loving cat dad picks natural for his cat with lymphoma and IBD
Inspiring Pet Tails 8 min readWe prepare our homes and stock up with toys, dishes, litter boxes, and such. The excitement of bringing home your new furry companion can be exhilarating as well as a little worrisome. “Will my new pet like me? Will they like our home? What will they be like? Will they like my other pets?” Try...
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